Thorn Harefoot

A Magickal Gallimaufrey and Compendium of Strangely Useful Oddments

Thursday, December 29, 2011

The Alan Rickman GPS

Figured the best way to start things off is with something silly. Having seen a lot of one-liners posted various places where the idea of an AR-voiced GPS has been discussed, I thought it would be amusing to actually script out a whole trip... so buckle up your virtual seat belts and enjoy this little AR-GPS demo--

GPS on... Hailing frequencies have been opened, not that you'd really care... And where are we going this morning?**

**I said, where are we going this morning???**

**Give me an occupation, Mr. Smith, or I shall run mad!**

**Very well. Begin by making an immediate right turn onto Placer Lane. I repeat, "immediate"...**

**Turn around, you twit!**

**So glad to see you going Northbound... at long last...**

**At the next intersection, turn right. I will count to three. There will not be a four.**

**There will be no foolish lane-changes or silly u-turns for the next 2.5 miles...**

**You can avoid the traffic congestion up ahead by turning left at the next intersection, but why should you listen to me, let alone do it...?**

**Glad to see something is getting through to you this morning...**

**Make a right-hand turn onto Meadowbrook Road, one half mile ahead.**

**I’d tell you that you’ve gone too far, but since you're not listening, why should I bother? Just make sure you turn right in one mile. Do not disappoint me.**

**Now that you've managed to actually find Fenton Parkway, Southbound, you'll be looking for Exit 12, in 3.2 miles. You might try at least glancing to your right occasionally, since that's where Exit 12 will be...**

**How grand it must be to have the luxury of not taking Exit 12. Turn around when possible, you bumbling idiot...**

**How extraordinarily like your father you are, Mr. Smith... he would have missed Exit 12 repeatedly, too. Take the next exit, go back, and let's try it once more, if you can manage it...**

**Now bear right on Exit 12, onto West 395...**

**That crunching noise is you, hitting another vehicle. Now you'll know why it's always a good idea to attempt looking before merging...**

**You must be gratified that your vehicle has turned 360 degrees at 75 miles per hour and has not flipped over. You are both incredibly lucky and incredibly stupid.**

**Roadside assistance has been called, and an emergency vehicle is being dispatched to your location. Now that you've singlehandedly brought all morning commute traffic on West 395 to a complete standstill, stay inside your car, cowboy. That, at least, should not be beyond your limited intellectual capacity...**

**Emergency vehicle now on scene. GPS signing off... I was an actor once, now look at me...**